University of South Asia
The Career University
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Online Application Form
Instructions: 1) Please pay the Form Fee of Tk. 600 to our bKash number(Personal): 01738122296. 2) Fill up the follwing Application Form Carefully and certify your data (put a tick mark). 3) Type the security code and press the button 'Submit'. 4) After successfull submission, Please call: 01966459818 for the confirmation of your admission.
Year Semester * Program * Major
Applicant Basic Information            
* First Name
* Father Name
* Sex
* Cell Phone
* Email
  Last Name
* Mother Name
* Date of Birth
  Guardian Phone
* Citizenship
* District
* Country
* Vaccination
* NID/Birth ID
* Full Address
* Payment Method
* Transaction No
* Please mention your Bachellor Degree    
  *Degree *Name of the Institution *Version From Year To Year Division/Grade/CGPA
* Please select your intermediate degree        
  *Degree *Name of the Institution *Roll No *Year *Group *Board *GPA
  *Degree *Name of the Institution *Reg/Roll No *Year *Trade *GPA
  *Degree *Name of the Institution *Subject *Year *Grade
    *Degree *Name of the Institution *Year *GPA
* Please select your matriculation degree          
  *Degree *Name of the Institution *Roll No *Year *Group *Board *GPA
  *Degree *Name of the Institution *Subject *Year *Grade
    *Degree *Name of the Institution *Year *GPA
* Information for International Students                
* Country of Citizenship * Country Of Birth
* Dual Citizenship (If any) * Passport Number
* Country of Issuance * Valid Till
* Type ov Visa * Visa Number
* Visa Validity      
* Please submit at least one document(Certificate or Mark sheet) of HSC/Equivalence and SSC/Equiv. Format: JPEG Image; Maximum size: 1 MB.                
Certificate HSC/Equiv. Marksheet HSC/Equiv. Certificate SSC/Equiv. Markshit SSC/Equiv.    
* I certify that the above information is correct. For any fraudulent data, admission can be cancelled. Security Code      
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